With this page I will present you our first dog, a beauceron, male, Sirius du Val de la Gelée, he is born in february 1994 and live with us 13 years till february 2007
( 22/02/1994 - 26/02/2007)
Sirius was like our leos, our family dog, he was not a show dog and not for the breed.
Sirius was HD/D but never had problems with this till his 10 years old, he begon to have arthrosis and standing up alone was very difficult.
We decided to try hydrotherapy with him, after some weeks, we could stop the medecines and he could again stay up alone. Of course you could see it was a old dog but with this, he could stay with us 3 years more.
Here you can see some pictures from him working in the swimming pool.
Thanks to Paola for all she did for him, now he run again with all his friends over the rainbow bridge.
Our leos are also working in the center of Celine in La Hulpe (Paola stop her center in Chaumont Gistoux)